Wednesday, 10 April 2019

When media cries 'Wolf'!

"My prejudices are fine, but your prejudice is just plain prejudice!" - Well, that's the new pot calling the kettle black!

Over the past few weeks I have been reading a lot about the negative effects of social media, the spread of fake news, cyber bullying and the heightening narcissism that the medium is inducing. Much of what is being said and written about the social media and how bad it is, is not totally out of place, just that it has been blown out of proportion.

There is a lot for the human race to take the blame for all the negativity that has been spread across the world, in all spheres and why single out Social Media alone?

I have been a strong advocate for professionalism and have felt that the 'Cult of the Amateur' in today's internet world is killing our culture (line borrowed from Andrew Keen's book of the same name). Read more here: Unbridled growth of social media – the vengeance of the amateur. It is no secret that the social media breeds amateurs masquerading as news providers peddling unverified happenings and in no time the same spreads like wildfire and what they call 'viral' is just that. An unabashed spreading of a deadly virus.

But who is to blame?

What are the professionals doing?

Why are they feeling threatened?

Why is this new advertisement screaming?

"If we don't have the facts,
we don't print the news."

Well, is it GUILT?

"India's Leading Newspapers" recently came together to proclaim (through full page advertisements) that 'if a story doesn't check out for social media it can always be deleted". While they (the print media) take time, verify all information before they call it news. Well, they call it "News that's backed by fact" - Is it still a fact when it is "cropped" to suit their narrative?

What about 'favourable news' peddled by political parties through the print media, when called out - what do they do? Just publish an apology of an apology in a nondescript gutter space corner of the newspaper and get away with it? And what about all those 'actual news' that the mainstream media (read the leading newspapers of India) conveniently ignore to publish, as it does not fit their agenda?

I reiterate News is sacrosanct! The people at the helm of affairs need to bring back the credibility to the profession. Objective journalism is dying in this country, and crying hoarse that "print is proof" is doing no good. For it is the media that created the Frankenstein called social media, and now crying victim is futile!


Pic courtesy: Advt in India's leading newspapers

Thursday, 4 April 2019

The Ear-Witness

Monday 11:00 am

The drumming sound started to get louder. Then she heard the horse hoof beats rising from a dull throb to a sharp, piercing sound, and soon it synchronized with the drum beats… Nikitha started to look around in fear, she wasn’t alone on the escalator.

Her heartbeat grew faster, she wasn’t prepared to hear about another tragedy… was this real? Was another strange coincidence about to unravel? She was perspiring, as another train pulled into the V Metro station and she watched in horror for something to unfold… few passengers got out and quite a few got in, and the train chugged off… she felt relieved… She then walked out of the station and there… it happened!

The screeching sound of a bus braking suddenly. She closed her eyes, and in a fraction of a second- it had happened. A girl was lying in a pool of blood, as a speeding car just drove past the girl. People rushed to the scene of the accident, trying to help the victim. But she was dead. Nikitha knew, or rather expected it!

This was the third incident since morning. Exactly 3 hours after the first one.

Earlier in the day: 8:00 am

Nikitha was a fitness freak and usually jogged two kms to the gym and back. An hour of workout at the gym was her daily routine. It was almost a week since she had skipped her routine of six months. She was recovering from a concussion she had after being hit on the head during a basketball game. She woke up early that Monday morning and looked forward to her day at college.

The workout had her tired and she sat by the roadside bench, to catch a breath, half a kilometre from her house. Suddenly, she started hearing loud noises. There was no one around on the street. But the sound of drumbeats coupled with horse hoof beats got louder and she closed her ears and tried to look in the direction of the sound. It seemed to be coming from the road parallel to the one she was in. She got up and ran to the next lane. Slowly, the sounds started receding and then there was commotion near the park. As she reached the source of the sounds, she saw a big group crowding around something. The noise had now stopped. She reached into the crowd and saw a girl in her teens, lying in a pool of blood. It seemed like murder. Not something new in the crime-infested downtown of the metropolis city.

But the sounds were unusual, she had never heard anything of the kind. Sounds that were totally unusual to be heard in a city, well was it really what she heard? As the police cars pulled in and the ambulance arrived, she went her way.

A half hour later, reaching home, Nikitha showered and had her breakfast and got ready to leave for college. The unusual sounds were still fresh in her memory. Trying to forget the episode, she got into the morning rush and reached the nearby W Metro station to board the train to her College.

Monday 9:00 am

The morning traffic on the road under the elevated metro station was quite heavy. The buses, cars, cabs, two and three-wheelers were all jostling for space. It was sheer cacophony. The high decibel sounds were broken by the familiar rhythmic drumbeats and hoof beats. Nikitha became conscious of the sound. She looked around and tried to find the source. There were all kinds of vehicles around, but none that matched the ones she heard. Just as she reached the foot of the escalator to board it taking her to the concourse, she heard vehicles screeching to a halt on the road. There were loud screams and Nikitha’s curiosity got the better of her as she rushed to the scene of commotion. A chill ran down her spine. Another young girl was found killed. It seemed to be a gunshot, one that no one heard. No one saw how it happened or who was behind it. Nikitha began to suspect that the sounds she heard were related to the killings.

Shocked with the developments since morning she waited for the police to arrive and see if she could get some connection. The place was cordoned off by the cops and she had little or no chance to interact with them. The police were questioning for possible witnesses. Nikitha didn’t know if she could help. She had not seen anything, and her only hunch was not going to help.
Assumptions were not what the investigators wanted, for there were many who speculated.
Left with no option Nikitha decided to take the next available train to her college. She was dumbstruck, numbed by the two killings. Was there any connection? Could she approach the police and tell them about the sounds? Why didn’t anyone else talk about the strange sounds? She had a lot of questions. Ones that she had no answers to, and neither did she think she could find any for them.

Already late to college, she picked up coffee at the station and sat sipping it. One train passed by, and then two. She finally got up and boarded the third one. Looking out of the window, as the train chugged along, the young girls lying in a pool of blood started flashing in front of her eyes. She tried hard to deflect her thoughts. 45 minutes later she reached her destination. Slowly, lost in thought, she got off the train and walked towards the escalator going down. It was almost 11 am.

Back, outside the V Metro Station

The loud sirens of the approaching ambulance and police cars drowned the already fading strange noises in her head. Nikitha decided to talk to the cops and see if there could be a connection. The Investigators checked out all possible eyewitnesses and questioned the people about what they saw. None seemed to have noticed anything unusual. Nikitha introduced herself to Sam, who looked like a man with authority. He was the chief of the police and Nikitha told him she wanted to speak to them.
He took her to the stationed police vehicle where she narrated her experiences of the day. The first killing near the park, the W Metro Station and now outside the V Metro station.
Sam called in a dozen other possible witnesses, passers-by at the scene of the murder. No one had heard any unusual sounds as described by Nikitha. While the body of the third murder victim was shifted for post-mortem, Sam took Nikitha to the Police headquarters for further questioning. More witnesses from the earlier incidents of the day were brought in and were all questioned about the sounds described by her. None had heard it. The Police did a check on the two earlier incidents and Nikitha’s presence at the places. The joggers at the park had seen her and the CCTV footage at the W metro station confirmed her presence.

She was then sent for a medical examination, and the doctors ratified that she was perfectly in her senses and was not hallucinating. Nikitha promised to cooperate in the investigation as she was eager to get to the bottom of the strange noises in her head.

She finally reached her college at 1:00 pm and after a disinterested lunch, went to the library to study up the phenomenon of her unusual hearing. Her research threw up many possibilities explained by science. She could have a hearing impairment of sorts, something she could read about but needed expert advice to understand better.

Monday 3:00 pm

Nikitha decided to speak to Sam about her research and called the senior cop on his mobile. Sam was empathetic to her and assured to join her at the super specialty hospital in half hour. Meanwhile, unknown to her, two cops were assigned to follow her at a distance.

Just as she stepped out of the cab in front of the beach facing hospital, the sounds in her head started to ring. The hoof beats were familiar now, so were the accompanying drum beats. They slowly grew louder… she looked around and saw a few two-wheelers and a bus on the road. There was not much traffic, and she started sweating, waiting for another incident. The sounds receded and then she closed her ears and eyes and sat on the pavement.
The two tailing cops came to her to check if she was alright.
Nikitha told them about the recurrence of the sounds and how it peaked and receded fast.
The area was cordoned off soon and all CCTV camera footage of the movement of vehicles and people was secured.
Over the next hour, the investigators were clueless about the happenings at the hospital gate junction. After consulting the audiologists at the hospital, she took her reports and joined Sam and his team in search of the elusive sound source. None of the vehicles seemed to leave any trail, well not until Nikitha pointed to a huge HD 48 - 1200 cc motorcycle, which she seemed to have seen earlier in the day near the W Metro.
Soon the footage of the morning traffic under the Metro was being scanned. The bike was unmissable – The rider wearing a black jacket and black helmet with dark glass visor. But that could just be a coincidence and the motorbike was known for its heavy-duty thump, heard to all and sundry half a km away too. Big deal if it had been spotted at two scenes of crime?

The investigators were leaving no stone unturned, they soon got the details of the bike and tracked it down to the northern highway. The rider was a calm character and without much ado followed the instructions of the cops and submitted himself and the bike for scrutiny.

Later at the police headquarters: Ron, the biker and his bike were put to test. Nikitha could hardly make out any special noises as the thumping of the bike reverberated in the compound. The biker was let go after severe interrogation on the murders lead to no evidence of his involvement whatsoever.

Monday 8:00 pm

It was a long and tiring day, both physically and mentally. An apologetic Nikitha wanted to go home and rest, Sam offered to drop her home in the police vehicle. The well-mannered Ron too offered to drop her home, and the cops felt it was safe to let him take her home.

Ron dropped her off at the gate and she thanked and waved him goodbye. The biker waited for her to get into her house and close the door behind her. Then he engaged the gear of the bike, revved it a bit, and slowly held the clutch to kill the thumping noise from the silencer. 
The bike stayed in motion even though it had gone totally silent... but for the...

Meanwhile, Nikitha pulled out the medical reports from her bag and it perplexed her. It read: Infrasonic sounds exemplified to high decibels due to injury in the ear.

The next moment she slumped to the floor, cupping her ears tight – the horse beats and the drum beats were back and just growing louder and louder.

A single gunshot and...  ...Silence!


Epilogue: Sam and his team waited as the ambulance arrived to take the body of Ron to the mortuary!

Pic Courtesy: Internet

The Betrayal

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