Saturday, 16 August 2008

Kashmir and minority appeasement

MY political views have always been radical, but then I don’t sympathize with the ‘leftists’!
My religious views have been very unexpressive, but then I stop short of sounding like a ‘rightist’ when I express. I hate the pseudo secular power hungry 100+ year old political party, which thrives on the poor, the illiterate voters and the born sycophants who eulogize the dumbest of their leaders to no end.

But then when reams and reams of newsprint and hours and days of news bytes go into talking for and against the citizen of this country – very clearly differentiated on religious lines, I have no reason not to express my own views on this. Firstly I don’t hate the minorities, I hate their appeasement – I hate the way they are treated as vote bank. No I am not trying to be politically correct in saying this… for I believe in the simple truth of life – Equality.
If that is so, then why do you have an Amarnath issue that needs hours and days of political debate, but no one was consulted when Haj subsidies were implemented (so I believe… was there a discussion?) What M.F Hussain does is Art and what Modi’s men speak is ‘fanatical’, NO – I don’t subscribe to the Modi way of life and thought, but aren’t these Congressmen to be blamed for the backlash, where a majority is made to look like slaves and the minority – which incidentally is basking in all the attention showered and is greedily expecting more!
I may sound ill informed, true to a large extent, but why is Kashmir always the bone of contention, what have the two countries each holding on to a share of the ‘Kashmir’ doing to make it really worth owning. What have the successive Indian governments over the past 6 decades done to alleviate the living conditions of the people of this region?
Questions that have answers – but then who want answers – as long as there are minorities – as long as they are illiterate – poverty stricken – appeased and pampered – there will be power mongers who will fill their coffers.
Kashmir and minorities are a creation of “the mother (and also the grandfather, son, daughter-in-law) of all political parties” and their personalized policies!

So for now the flavour of the season is Kashmir – that we will hear hogging the headlines and ‘Breaking News’ for long – tomorrow, and when it comes there will be another.
Its Elections time soon – Lets NOT expect anything to change!

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