Friday April 10, 2009, Time 5.30 pm, Place: Wockhardt Heart Centre - Kamineni Hospitals, Hyderabad.
Ten hours after it started the pain in the chest didn't subside and then the Cardiologist said, "We need to put you in observation for the night"... in the next half hour I was in the ICCU (Intensive Cardiac Care Unit)… then started the trauma!
It was 7.30 am of the Friday morning, what started as a harmless pain in the chest on the left side, soon turned worrisome and gastric was ruled out, a local physician said there was a mild variation in the ECG, but prescribed half a dozen tablets. As time passed, the pain only got worse, until it was decided to go to Kamineni and after the usual ECG and 2D Echo had ruled out any problem came the Troponin-T blood test that put me in the dock, it was construed to be a cardio-vascular problem.
As I was being wheeled into the ICCU, I could see tears dripping from Wife's eyes and my friend Raghuveer grim faced, in a few moments I was left alone with no contact with family and friends, at the mercy of the wired wonders that never ceased to beep throughout the night, the friendly nurses and the serious faced cardiologists. A night that I shall never forget in my life, brought back all memories - good and bad, memories of friends and foes, the highs and lows in life, the best and worst - yes sleep was the last thing on mind... NO I was not scared to sleep, I was sure something was amiss, but then this was one night I had to prove that I was fine... and am going to be fine for long... to fulfill Life's unfulfilled dreams!
A Couple of more ECGs and the long drawn 2D Echo in the night were enough to tell me I was doing great, and I badly wanted to convey this to my family and friends outside - but to no avail, the Doctors however were busy trying to pin me down to go for an Angiogram, that would prove that there was no clutter in the path to my heart. Then the twist happened, the 6.30am blood test proved two things, the Trop-T was negative - wow, did I heave a sigh of relief, and then it also told that my Cholesterol levels had increased considerably over the past 6 months.
But the Good news was - I had NO cardiac issue whatsoever - the valves leading to my heart are all clutter free and clear...!
The Saturday morning did bring cheer to my wife and Raghuveer's face - The Chief cardiologist declared that I would be allowed to go (discharged was his word) following the TMT (Tread Mill Test). It wasn't until 11.30 am that I had the privilege of stepping out of the ICCU to take the final test to prove my fitness. Soon I had run the best race of my life with out moving out of the room, I must've covered over 10 kms before I stopped the treadmill owing to pain in the calf and not pain in the chest, I had cleared the final hurdle and was wearily on my way home.
It was an emotional moment to see my daughter after almost 22 hrs and the faces of my parents and sister too lit up...!
The Final diagnosis: No Cardio-Vascular Problem, No Gastric problem, High level of Cholesterol and increased triglyceride count.
Yes I will soon have to be facing a battery of visitors and a multitude of advice – I was getting ready for the worst now.
What followed was a list of Dos and Don’ts from all and sundry, they called it a wake up call, they said I needed to exercise more, some said I needed to cut down on oil, a few added “stop junk food”, then I heard ‘No rice – more bread’, Samosas, Mirchis, Burgers, Pizzas, Pav Bhaajis all joined the list of don’ts. But the one that was unanimous on everyone’s lips was – “Quit Smoking”, I knew it was coming, but this one was a deluge, the endless flow of words on the carcinogenic effect and the cardio-vascular relation, I was never more educated than now.
Yes I’ve kicked the butt to ensure that I don’t kick the bucket early. Even as I write this after a week of the incident, I feel as fresh and healthy as ever sans the vice that was part of my life for 23 years.
In conclusion: I have gained a few more grey hair with knowledge of the harmful effects of the vices, I’ve sent shock and shivers across my friends and their families - for no apparent fault of mine and above all I am truly indebted to the well wishers who have been so concerned and caring in their support.
I continue to believe in the motto :
Life is too wonderful to be spent worrying
OMG No samosas??????????? I think i can quit cigarettes if i smoked but not samosas :( All de best.. I also have an advice, Keep ur hands in ur pockets when u see a samosa :D
...and other junk stuff too... but i'm glad, ur kicking the stick!!! Cheers Anna.
Hey Venkat, thats good news- you quit smoking. Life's great teacher - experience !
I am greatly indebted to the doctors of wockhardt and the institution of private hospitals for instilling the fear of 'smoke' and 'clogged arteries' in you.
Apart from that i have no moral right to give u a sermon on the ill effects of Junk food! :P :P Either ways! :D QUIT SMOKING!!!
Venky, moral of de story. Dont believe the docs. Yup the tension for family n friends apart, gud u kicked de butt, buddy.
Luv, SKM
Well thank god that it all turned out to be normal. When I read the first few lines, I was kind of shell shocked, ki ye sab kab hua? I'll tell you my story, when I was working with TOI, I used to pick 2 packs of 20s of Classic Kings every morning from the pan shop near my home. Mind you I never smoked a cigarette in my home or near my home...and on my way back home there was no cig left. So another 2 packs the next day. It was on March 4, 1995, around 7.30 - 8.00 sitting on the terrace of my friends house in Marredpally, I smoked something like 13 cigarettes in 1 hours. For the first time I took home the unfinished pack with 17 cigarettes still in it. Then on the way to the office in front of the 1st gate of the Public Garden (Bagh-e-aam) I stopped my LML, which I used to ride then, pulled of my helmet, took out the cigarette pack, pulled out a stick and stuck in my mouth. Took out the lighter and held in front without lighting it. Then I asked myself, what the hell am I doing, where am I going, should I light the cigarette or not? All these questions were racing in my mind with entire world around watching me in awe as to what I was upto. After 5 minutes I decided that I am not going to light this cigarette or any other after this, and that was it! To samjhey bhai, indeed it was a warning bell from up above. Well samosas, junk food all can be had, but in moderation. The best thing to do is walk every morning for at least 45 mins and you'd be fit and fine. You triglycerides, cholestral everything will come down. Take care and all the best for everything in life!
Hai Venkat bhai,
The first few lines were thrilling as well as chilling... I was dying to get to the end of the text to know what had happened.
Luckily, it turned out to be "all's well that ends well" kinda story! However, do not ignore the message. As the journey is important than the destination for most of us who love our life, the trauma will stay glued in your mind than the pacifying words that emerged from the doctors' mouth at the end. Well, I have a couple of leaves to take from this episode.
No to junk food, Yes to exercise is the mantra! I was wondering for the last one month whether I can ever implement the advice of my colleagues to take up walking, jogging, swimming etc. As any one of us, I blamed the tight work schedule and took a refuge in non-availability of time, even though I wished I could make it happen.
As a choke in two-wheelers, this incident of yours acted as a catalyst and sent chill down my spine... Not that something similar would happen to me, but your trauma, weeping wife and grim-faced friend etc. that u narrated were hard to be forgotten! Imagining the very sight is hard to digest.
I hav decided to say 'YES' to physical exercise daily. Perhaps the hot summer is the right time to start.
A piece of advice to all: kick the stick, bid adieu to alcohol, dump junk food and get down to physical exercise daily. GET SET GO!
hi dear sorry for reading and replying later. God is great and he will always take care of all good people in the world.
also a sincere friendly advice is you regularly (na na it is not quit smoking, start walking etc) but start writing you can become a great writer
Hi Venkat
I didn't realise all this happened...I am glad you are out of it for a real "whiff of fresh air". Recently a friend of a friend in USA was not so lucky he reportedly died of a cardiac arrest on a jog with his wife and a toddler at a park. He was in his Late 30s, non-smoker, fitness freak and plays sport. Is 40 the new 80?
Anyway enjoy the new lease of life - keep paying your EMIs when they are due!!
Bye DP
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